About Me...

Points To Consider...

  • Who will you target audience be?- My target audience will be sixth formers, i have decided to choose sixth formers as i am a sixth former myself, there for i am the same age as my reader, therefore i feel i can cater for their needs more efficently as i will have a greater understanding of what the specific audience would enjoy.
  • What is the name for your magazine going to be? - I have not decided on a final name for the magazine, but i have a few ideas, which i would like to develop with the help of research.
  • Who will be on your front cover? - I would like a single person to be on my front cover, or a group of friends, for my single image i have choosen Anais Mehta, but if i choose to have a group of students i have chosen; Anais Mehta, Gemma Davis, Ellie Thacker, Courtnie Brent-Eden & Jade Lawrence.
  • What will you put on your contents page? - On my contents page i will have a list of my pages and a small sneak peak of what the audience can expect to read in the magazine, i will also have two images which i will take myself that will link to the main stories within my magazine.